Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Inspection

How to Prepare Your Home for a Home Inspection

Homebuyers can experience an emotional rollercoaster when looking for a new home. They must find a property that meets their needs and is within their price range.

Home InspectionHome Inspection Colorado Springs CO can provide valuable insights into the condition of a property and help reduce stress. Knowing what major jobs will be required in the future can also help buyers create a budget and time frame.


Home inspections are a vital part of the real estate process, but they’re not always easy for buyers to navigate. Especially if the inspector uncovers major defects that require costly repairs, it’s not uncommon for potential buyers to walk away from the deal. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to prepare your home for inspection and ensure that all parties involved in the transaction have a smooth experience.

First and foremost, make sure that your home is clean, and that any items that can be easily moved are out of the way for the inspector. You should also make sure that all utilities are on and that there is access to attics, basements and crawl spaces. Remove any items that block access to the electrical panel, and consider clearing out closets that might have clothing or furniture in them. According to Matt Steinhausen, a Lincoln, Nebraska-based home inspector, it’s also a good idea to move laundry appliances and other large items out of the way of the breaker box, so that the inspector can examine them thoroughly.

You should also make sure that all pets are put away, and that any garage or shed doors are open so that the inspector can inspect these structures as well. Lastly, make sure that all light bulbs are working and that there are no clogged toilets or sinks. It’s also a good idea to change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and check that fire extinguishers are up to date.

Finally, you should fill out a real estate disclosure form and have it available for the inspector to review, as this is required in most states. A complete disclosure will help protect you from lawsuits if a buyer later claims that you failed to disclose something important.

Some home sellers prefer to be present for the inspection, but this is not a necessity. If you are there, be prepared to answer questions and point out any features that might be of interest. However, if you feel that it will interfere with the inspector’s ability to perform their job, it might be best not to be there.


A home inspection is a noninvasive, visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a property. It is usually performed in connection with the sale of a property and takes two to three hours for single-family homes. Multi-family homes may take longer. A home inspector will look at the foundation, structure, roof, attic and basement as well as plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems. They will not open walls but may recommend specialized tests for radon, termite infestations, asbestos, lead piping and paint.

It is advisable to attend the home inspection, as it gives you an opportunity to talk to the inspector in person and ask questions. It also means that any problems the inspector uncovers will make more sense if you see them in real life instead of relying on photographs in the report. The inspection process is much faster if you have all your documentation organised and ready to go, such as the contract of purchase and sale, mortgage documents and insurance policies.

Some home buyers will have a pre-purchase inspection done in order to avoid costly surprises. This is especially important in new construction, where the builder might have overlooked a problem or opted for cheaper materials. The inspection can uncover such problems and save the buyer money in the long run by letting them know what to expect from their new home.

The inspection can also be used to point out positive aspects of a property. This can be helpful for sellers who are considering selling their home as it can help them set a more realistic listing price. It can also be useful for people who are thinking about renting out their property as it can show potential tenants what maintenance is likely to be necessary in the future.

It is possible that the inspection will reveal serious issues, such as a faulty electrical system or rodent damage to the hardwood floors. These issues can be deal breakers for some buyers. However, it is important to remember that no home is ever free of problems, even brand-new constructions have minor issues. Expecting a seller to resolve all of these issues before closing is unreasonable.


The home inspector will provide a report that covers the property. The report will list any issues found, ranging from minor to severe. A complete home inspection will take up to 70 pages or more. The inspector will provide a key to indicate the severity of each issue. This way, the client can easily identify issues that need immediate attention or are of a higher concern.

The client should review the report with their real estate agent before submitting an offer. If they have questions about any section of the report, the home inspector will be happy to explain it in detail. This gives the client a deeper understanding of the property and the home inspector will help the client determine what to negotiate with the seller.

As a home seller, you should also be familiar with the report, whether it was pre-inspection or post-inspection. If the report shows that systems are overdue for maintenance or replacement, you should consider getting them serviced or replaced before listing the house. This will give the buyer peace of mind and could give you more negotiating leverage in the sales process.

If the inspection report reveals any problems, it’s important to keep in mind that the buyer may try to use them against you in the negotiation process. This is why it’s a good idea to attend your home inspection so that you can see the problems in person and ask the inspector any questions.

The home inspector will look at the roof, the HVAC system, the plumbing and electrical, and other general features. They will also look for signs of mold, rot and termites. If they find any, the inspector will recommend a specialist to investigate further.


The home inspection process can be a stressful time for buyers and sellers. Both parties are looking for common ground to reach a deal on the price of the property and any repairs that need to be made. The key is to remain calm and make your requests clear.

When negotiating with the seller, it is best to focus on the most important issues in the home inspection report. For example, safety hazards and serious problems with the property are good areas to focus on in your negotiations. However, be careful not to ask for too much off the price of the property or you may lose your dream home. It is also a good idea to contact local repair services to see how much the repairs will cost you before making your requests.

It is also important to remember that the market will have an impact on how you negotiate with the seller. For example, if it is a buyer’s market, the seller may not be willing to take any of your requests into account. This is because there are more buyers than homes available, which means that they can offer a higher price for the home.

In this situation, it is usually best to waive your home inspection contingency if you want to get the property. This way, you can still protect yourself by having the home inspected and if there are any major issues that you cannot agree on, you can walk away from the purchase without losing your earnest money deposit.

If the home inspection reveals significant problems, you should consider asking the seller to lower the price of the property or make other arrangements for the repairs. This can be done through a counter-offer, which should take into account the costs of the repairs. You can also decide to buy the property as is and request a refund from the seller, or you can withdraw from the purchase after the inspection period expires.

If you are not happy with the results of the home inspection, it is a good idea to consult a real estate lawyer. This will help you find the right solution for your situation.